Posts related to "control"

In this episode Jad and Kevin discuss an article Kevin found about a kid getting expelled from his school for having a weapon in his car. Well maybe it wasn’t a weapon. In fact, maybe […]

This week we follow up with a recent trip Kevin took to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Jad and Kevin discuss some of the experiences their respective coworkers and Kevin had while traveling through American and […]

In this episode Jad and Kevin look at the world for what it is, a giant chess board with maniacal, sociopathic, dictatorial people moving the pieces around to their financial pleasure. We consider just ten […]

As many people across the United States may have seen on television, a pseudo-debate was hosted between Bill Nye and Ken Hamm. We won’t go into detailing who Bill Nye is because if you’re listening […]

Recently one of the country’s most famous idiots, Sarah Palin, made some some off-colored remarks about the NRA. Around the same time a man few had ever heard of before named Donald Sterling (incidentally the […]

This week Jad and Kevin spend another episode talking about the now famous Wendy Davis filibuster against the Texas Republicans. Our focus is less on the actual abortion bill that she was attempting to block […]

In this episode we travel back in time to November 14th, 2012, just a week after President Obama was re-elected. (caption: Devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy in late 2012.) Our episode this week focuses on […]

In this week’s episode, Jad and I discuss one of Kevin’s all time favorite political and economic topics: risk and reward. Jad starts our episode off with a fictitious example of how the concept politically […]

In the second part of our very first two-part episode, Jad and Kevin continue their discussion of whether or not people prefer being slaves. As we noted in the previous episode, the idea is pretty […]

In our very first two-part episode, Jad and Kevin discuss the idea of whether or not people prefer being slaves. The idea is pretty simple: there’s an almost endless supply of examples illustrating how people […]

This week’s episode marks the longest recording we’ve released to date in our reasonably short catalog. We tried trimming it down it bit, but there was just too much juicy discussion to ignore. Hopefully everyone […]